Message to USC Faculty
Dear Colleagues,
I am writing to share that Dr. Kelvin J. A. Davies is now serving as Interim Vice Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs. His role in this capacity will continue during my tenure as Interim Provost.
In this role, Dr. Davies has oversight of all academic and faculty affairs for the university, including promotion and tenure processes.
Dr. Davies is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Gerontology, Molecular & Computational Biology, and Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine. He has over 30 years of service at USC, including a long history of leadership roles in academic affairs and research. You can learn more about his remarkable career at
He has already begun his leadership role in the Office of Academic and Faculty Affairs. You can always learn more about the office and connect with the team here:
Please join me in thanking Dr. Davies for his service.
Elizabeth A. Graddy
Interim Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs