A Message to the USC Community
April 27, 2015
Vice Provost and Chief Information Officer Peter Siegel has shared with me his decision to step down from his position, effective immediately.
I thank Vice Provost Siegel for his service to the university. His leadership helped propel USC’s Information Technology Services (ITS) department forward in vital ways through his commitment to enhancing cybersecurity and network infrastructure. Vice Provost Siegel worked to stabilize key administrative functions by centralizing systems for human resources, finance, and research administration. He also ensured that ITS is positioned to support future innovation at the university by combining enterprise and administrative systems, infrastructure, and help desk and related services into one team — streamlining operations that support our institutional initiatives and resources. Vice Provost Siegel also was integral in developing and planning an ITS liaison program to ensure more effective communication between ITS and academic and administrative units. His focus on risk management also led to significant improvements in cybersecurity through a new university-wide password initiative and a new Information Risk Committee that assesses risk and makes security and risk-related recommendations to our senior administration.
With his background in academic computing, Vice Provost Siegel worked closely with faculty and staff to strengthen and guide innovative programs such as the High Performance Computing Program, Shoah Foundation Institute, and USC-managed Los Nettos regional network, and played a leadership role in regional and national partnerships such as Internet2, Educause and CENIC to benefit the USC community. He championed strategy for big data analytics in both the academic and business areas, with initiatives in learning analytics, business intelligence, and support for research analytics.
Please join me in wishing Pete well as he tackles his next big challenge.
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Douglas Shook as interim vice provost for information technology services and chief information officer, effective May 1, 2015. He will serve in this capacity until we complete the search for a vice provost for information technology services and chief information officer.
A member of the USC community since 1991, Dr. Shook currently serves as the dean of academic records and registrar, and chief technology officer for enrollment services. He also is a professor of data sciences and operations in the Marshall School of Business.
Dr. Shook has a distinguished record of teaching and service at USC. He served as vice president of administration and on the Executive Board of the Academic Senate and was awarded the Academic Senate Distinguished Service Award in 2010. He co-chaired the University Committee on Information Services and has served on more than 20 other university committees, subcommittees and task forces. He is the recipient of ten university and Marshall School teaching awards. Dr. Shook brings to his new role unique abilities and experience that include demonstrated success in technology innovation at USC and in the private sector. He is known for his strong leadership skills as a faculty member and as an administrator.
To accommodate Dr. Shook’s new role, I am pleased to announce the promotion of Frank Chang to the position of registrar. Dr. Chang has been a valuable member of the USC community for more than 15 years. He has ably served in a number of roles in the Office of the Registrar and for the past seven years, as associate registrar. Among his accomplishments, he played a key role in transforming academic review into a student success-focused activity. I am confident he will provide excellent leadership for the Office of the Registrar. In addition, I have asked Katharine Harrington, our vice president of admissions and planning, to take on the additional role of dean of academic records.
Please join me in thanking Doug, Frank, and Katharine for assuming these new responsibilities.
After consulting with the Academic Senate, the academic deans, faculty, and other key constituents, I will soon announce the appointment of the Advisory Search Committee for the next vice provost of information technology services and chief information officer. This position is crucial to building a robust information system that can serve the needs of the university for years to come and bolstering USC’s role as a leading private research university committed to the public good.
cc: C. L. Max Nikias
Robert Abeles
Al Checcio
Todd Dickey
Tom Jackiewicz
Tom Sayles
Carol Mauch Amir