“Open Door Policy”

I know that our community at the Health Sciences Campus has been particularly affected by the issues surrounding the former dean of our medical school. I recognize there is much to learn from fully examining this unfortunate episode, including putting into place new policies and procedures to prevent any recurrences. But, even more importantly, this is about our values as an institution and the responsibility I have as one of its leaders.

I think one of those values needs to be putting people first: listening to your concerns, frustrations, and suggestions, and using that input as the basis for making USC the kind of place we all want it to be. To that end, over the past couple of weeks I have been meeting with graduate and professional students, residents and fellows, faculty, staff, and administrators at HSC. I want to thank all of you who have taken the time to meet with me.

But it is very important to me that everyone has a chance to be heard on this matter. I will do my best to be available to anyone who would like to meet. Please feel free to contact me at uscprovost@usc.edu to set up individual or group meetings.

I have an office in HCC1 and spend several days a week on HSC. I see first-hand the critical work that you do there every day—in the clinics, on the lab bench, and in the classroom. One of my great frustrations is that this current set of events has taken focus from that work, because that work is the great story of the USC Health Sciences Campus.

I believe it is my job to ensure that you are able to reach your full potential by creating a climate that supports you as you promote and restore health, create new knowledge, and train tomorrow’s health professionals and researchers. I will continue to work every day to create a culture of collegiality, trust, and wellness at USC, but want to focus particular attention on HSC as we learn and heal from what has happened. I will need your help in knowing where we can build on our strengths, and where we need to focus our energies. I look forward to working with you to continue our great mission, because I believe in your work, and in the hope and healing it provides to so many.

Cc: C. L. Max Nikias
Academic Senate
Academic Deans
President’s Cabinet
Provost’s Cabinet