Message to USC Faculty and Staff
From: Michael W. Quick, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
February 22, 2018
I am pleased to introduce the USC Office of Research Strategic Plan 2018, the result of invaluable contributions from leaders across the USC community. Randolph Hall, Vice President of Research, and Silvia da Costa, Director of Faculty Research Relations, led the effort that included Leana Golubchik and Ricky Bluthenthal, who guided the Academic Senate/Provost University Research Committee in 2017 and 2018. They were assisted by committee members, the co-chairs of our Diversity and Inclusion Council, and the deans, diversity officers, and other faculty and staff who helped shape the goals and approaches outlined in the plan, which can be found here:
Fulfilling the promise for diversity and inclusion in research and scholarship requires specific goals, concrete strategies, deliberate actions, and targeted outcomes. The Office of Research Strategic Plan details all of these as part of USC’s mission to be innovative and impactful and to push USC toward national leadership in diversity and inclusion in research.
The Office of Research’s vision corresponds with the USC Strategic Plan — Answering the Call in its uncompromising pursuit of excellence and in its deep understanding that our Los Angeles home is a unique strength that presents us the opportunity and the privilege to be at once helpful neighbors and global leaders. The plan recognizes that we will become a stronger university by specifically defining diversity and inclusion as it applies to research, and by achieving success far beyond NSF, NIH, and other sponsor expectations.
One of my highest priorities as provost has been to develop USC’s community of diverse viewpoints so that we can create the leaders and researchers who will move society forward in the 21st century. I am pleased that this plan guides our university forward on that path. I hope that you, too, appreciate its vision and goals.
Cc: C. L. Max Nikias
Academic Senate
Academic Deans
President’s Cabinet
Provost’s Cabinet