In an emergency, please contact the Department of Public Safety (UPC: 213-740-4321, HSC: 323-442-1000).
If you are in need of counseling services or if you are concerned that a faculty or staff member may need assistance, please contact the Center for Work and Family Life (213-821-0800).
If you are concerned about a student, please contact Student Counseling and Mental Health Services (213-740-9355/WELL) for a consultation with the on-call counselor. If you are on the health sciences campus, please contact the Eric Cohen Student Health Center of USC (323-442-5631). You may also direct students to a program under the Division of Student Affairs, Trojans Care for Trojans, which enables students to seek help, confidentially and anonymously, on behalf of others.
We have a bystander and gatekeeper program, called Trojans Care, designed to train our USC community to develop the skills and confidence to respond to problems and concerns, and to better understand the programs and services available. This training will help us learn strategies and techniques to intervene directly or indirectly to both emergency and non-emergency situations. Departments, offices and campus committees can request this training through Student Counseling and Mental Health Services.
Emergency Contacts
Immediate student, faculty or staff threat in the campus community:
Department of Public Safety (DPS)
• UPC Emergencies 213-740-4321
• HSC Emergencies 323-442-1000
Mental health concerns about a student:
Student Counseling and Mental Health Services (SCS)
• UPC 213-740-9355(WELL) (24/7 assistance)
• HSC 323-442-5631 (24/7 assistance)
Mental health concerns about faculty or staff:
Center for Work and Family Life (CWFL)
• UPC and HSC 213-821-0800
• After-hours 213-880-6657
Recognizing Disturbing Situations
The following are some examples of actions or behaviors may require a report to a campus resource:
• Explicit statements about harming someone
• Sending disturbing messages by email, text, letters or other source
• Unexplained absenteeism
• Stalking
• Making statements that support the use of violence to resolve an issue
• Potential domestic violence displays of Paranoia
• Suicidal thoughts or actions
• Self-harm
• Coursework content that is alarming
• Disruptive behavior or abrasive behavior toward others
Student Services
If a student needs mental health assistance, contact Student Counseling and Mental Health Services (SCS). Counseling is confidential and is included in the student health center fee.
• Ask to speak with the on-call counselor (24/7) for an immediate consultation if it is an urgent matter
• Inform your dean or supervisor about the situation.
If a student needs assistance with non-mental health challenges (finances, personal tragedy, housing, etc.), contact Campus Support and Intervention, UPC and HSC 213-821-4710 or 213-740-2421
For after-hours emergencies, contact DPS and they will contact CSI.
For additional information, please refer to the Disruptive and Threatening Behavior Guidebook for Faculty and Staff.
Faculty and Staff Services
If a faculty or staff member needs mental health assistance, contact CWFL. Confidential counseling is available for employees and their families and will not be made part of the employee’s personnel file.
• Ask to speak with the on-call counselor (24/7) for an immediate consultation if it is an urgent matter
• If you are concerned about another employee, inform your dean or supervisor.
If a faculty or staff member needs assistance with non-mental health challenges (finances, personal tragedy, housing, etc.), contact CWFL and/or Human Resources, 213-821-8100.
Department of Public Safety Non-Emergency Contacts
• UPC Non-emergencies 213-740-6000
• HSC Non-emergencies 323-442-1200