Message to USC Faculty
From: Michael W. Quick, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
May 17, 2019
I write to extend my gratitude to the members of the 2018-2019 University Committee of Academic Review (UCAR). UCAR is comprised of faculty from across the university, who are charged with conducting periodic reviews of academic programs of the university. This committee has historically reviewed all of our Ph.D. programs and recently my office has expanded its scope to take on reviews of master’s programs and undergraduate programs that are not accredited by an outside organization. The reviews are intensive with input from an external review committee comprised of prominent faculty from leading institutions. UCAR reviews the report of the review panel and the departmental response, then provides me with a substantive set of recommendations to improve each degree-granting program. UCAR provides me with essential feedback to enhance the stature of the very core of the university’s academic mission. I thank them, by name, for their service to the university:
Kenneth Ahern
Tatiana Akishina
Nina Bradley
Devon Brooks
Nao Bustamante
Moh El-Naggar
Robeson Taj Frazier
Christian Grose
William G.J. Halfond
Anikó Imre
Natania Meeker
Chris Sampson
Ruth Wood