Update on Temporary Pause on Grants and Loans Disbursed by the Federal Government

Dear Colleagues, 

We know that many of you have been receiving questions about two memos issued by the White House Office of Management and Budget yesterday and today ordering a temporary freeze on grants and loans disbursed by the federal government. Following is guidance you may forward to your faculty, deans, and research deans for awareness. 

As of this writing, a federal court has blocked the temporary freeze from taking effect pending further litigation, thereby restoring the previous status quo. In the event that the temporary freeze eventually does take effect, it could impact new research awards and disbursement of funds under existing grants. However, the temporary freeze would not apply to federal Pell Grants and Direct Loans, Social Security, and Medicare payments. 

During this period of uncertainty, please rest assured that our federal and state government relations teams, along with the Office of Research and Innovation, are carefully evaluating these developments along with more specific agency guidance as they may impact our research and university operations. We are working closely with our partners across the university and will keep you updated if any significant developments take place that impact our USC community. 

Thank you, 

Andrew T. Guzman
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Steven D. Shapiro
Senior Vice President for Health Affairs

Ishwar Puri
Senior Vice President, Research and Innovation

Samuel Garrison
Senior Vice President, University Relations