Our 2018 Spring Admits

USC’s Rite of Spring: Hundreds of new transfer students.

With spring semester underway, I wanted to share with you a few details about our “spring admits.”  As I’m sure you’re aware, USC doesn’t have a waiting list for admissions; rather, we admit qualified students for a spot in the freshman fall or spring class. The nearly 1,100 students who arrived in January are an impressive group: their average standardized test scores are in the 95th percentile.

Of these students, 638 are freshmen — generally those who graduated from high school last June; and 443 are transfers — generally those who graduated from high school in 2016 or earlier.

These outstanding scholars include 20 percent who are the first in their families to attend college; 55 percent are students of color.

Among the transfer students, more than 175 different colleges are represented, including local community colleges, and UC and Cal State campuses. The number of excellent students we can welcome from community college is a wonderful example of the work our admissions team does to encourage students to apply to a selective institution like ours. Now it’s up to us to provide great teaching, mentoring and opportunities for all of our students.

– Michael W. Quick, February 23, 2018