Today marked the kickoff of our third annual Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Week, 90-plus trainings, lectures, workshops, films, and more, all aimed at engaging our students, staff and faculty as we continue to prioritize these issues as a university community.
This expansive effort, headed by Vice Provost Camille Gear Rich and Diversity Council co-Chair Renee Smith-Maddox, is a crucial piece in our overall focus at USC to become an even more supportive place to learn and teach. As our 2018 Strategic Plan states, it is our mission to lead this university into the next century with inclusiveness and equity in all that we do.
As we heard in his keynote address today, Vijay Pendakur, Dean of Students at Cornell University (pictured here), suggested that every aspect of the university structure has to be designed for equity for all – and this includes those with different experiences and needs, including veterans, those with disabilities, and English-language learners, among many others.
For me, a day doesn’t go by when I don’t have a conversation about diversity, equity, and inclusion. These are important, sometimes difficult conversations, but they are a part of the fabric of this university now.
Please attend one, two, or more events this week. To register, please go to:
I’m proud of this effort, and all that we do to support diversity and inclusion.
– Michael W. Quick, January 14, 2019