Memo to the USC Community
From: Michael W. Quick, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
October 29, 2018
I am delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Elizabeth Graddy as Executive Vice Provost. Dr. Graddy has served as the Vice Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs since July 2015.
In her new role, Dr. Graddy will work closely with me as the second-ranking administrator in the Office of the Provost. She will coordinate across all areas of the Office of the Provost to move forward the goals of the 2018 Strategic Plan, and she will work with deans, chairs, and faculty to advance new programs and initiatives. She will also continue to oversee faculty and academic affairs, including Undergraduate Programs and the Graduate School. She advises me on faculty appointments, promotions, development, tenure, and salaries. She is responsible for advancing excellence in our undergraduate curriculum and experience, and for accelerating our progress on Ph.D. programs and our flagship graduate professional degrees.
Dr. Graddy holds the Jeffrey J. Miller Chair in Government, Business, and the Economy and is Professor of Public Policy in the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy. Prior to her current position, she served as Vice Dean of the Price School and as Senior Associate Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs. She received a Ph.D. in Public Policy Analysis from Carnegie-Mellon University. Dr. Graddy was elected to the National Academy of Public Administration two years ago.
Her expertise is in institutional economics, public, and nonprofit organizations, and public policy analysis. Her research focuses on the role of private organizations in serving the public interest, how industry and organizational structure affect performance, and how information asymmetry and uncertainty affect institutional design and effectiveness. Dr. Graddy has published in over 50 scholarly publications, and she is a co-editor of the Journal of Policy Analysis & Management and serves on the editorial board of the Policy Studies Journal.
We have worked closely over the last few years to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, particularly in recruiting and retaining a diverse faculty. I look forward to accelerating that progress, and much more.
Please join me in extending warm congratulations to Dr. Graddy and wishing her much success in her new position.
Cc: Wanda Austin
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