On May 24, 2018, the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) informed the University that it was opening a directed investigation into the University’s response to reports about former employee George Tyndall. The University has been working collaboratively with OCR to provide responsive information in connection with OCR’s review. Please see the attached notice from OCR regarding the opportunity to meet with OCR on campus on Wednesday, October 10, 2018.
The University embraces and supports OCR’s goal to maintain a campus free from harassment and discrimination. The Office of Professionalism and Ethics was established by the university to serve as a single, centralized resource for all complaint monitoring and investigations. The Office is led by vice president Michael Blanton, who has a direct line of access to the president and to the chair of the audit and compliance committee of the Board of Trustees.
- https://report.usc.edu/
- (213) 740-5755
- ope@usc.edu
Students, faculty, staff, and third parties can report a concern confidentially on practices or conduct that do not meet the ethical and professional standards of the university using the secure form online or by calling the USC Help and Hotline at 213-740-2500. This number is staffed by live operators 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Students, faculty, staff, and third parties can also contact USC’s Title IX Office to share concerns, seek information about resources, reporting options, and University policies, or make a report. The university’s Title IX policies are available online at:
- USC’s Student Sexual, Interpersonal, and Protected Class Misconduct policy
- USC’s Discrimination policy (policy applicable to staff)
- USC’s Faculty Handbook (policy applicable to faculty)
- https://titleix.usc.edu
Thank you for your continued commitment to these important issues.
[spiderpowa-pdf src=”https://www.provost.usc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/OCR-2493202-v2-Meeting_and_Office_Hrs_Notice-1.pdf”]OCR-#2493202-v2-Meeting_and_Office_Hrs_Notice