September 8, 2017
To the USC Community:
In light of recent news about suggested revisions to federal guidance under Title IX, I want to reassure our campus community that we will continue to take seriously our responsibility to handle sexual misconduct on our campuses. It simply cannot be overstated: this university will not tolerate sexual misconduct in any form, whether it is sexual violence, abuse, stalking, intimate partner violence, harassment, or discrimination.
We continually review federal guidelines as well as California state law in determining modifications to our policies. Over the past several years, we have worked hard to create standards and processes that are fair and protect the rights of all parties, but which have serious consequences for those who are found responsible for violating USC policy. To remind you, when a Title IX investigation determines that sexual misconduct has occurred, we impose sanctions up to and including expulsion. We cooperate fully with the Los Angeles Police Department in any criminal investigation.
To support both reporting parties and respondents throughout the process, we have numerous systems and resources in place, including trained and specialized process advisors and dedicated counselors at the Engemann Student Health Center. Please see for a full description of reporting options, help for those in specific situations, and other resources.
Sexual misconduct has no place in society, and certainly no place at USC. Our Title IX office will continue to do the difficult work of investigating and adjudicating these issues. But all of us have a responsibility to ensure we are a safe, healthy, and respectful community. Please join me in a renewed commitment to come together to prevent these intolerable acts.
Michael W. Quick
Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs
Cc: C. L. Max Nikias
Academic Senate
President’s Cabinet
Provost’s Cabinet