Message to USC Faculty and Staff
From: Elizabeth A. Graddy, Interim Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs; David W. Wright, Senior Vice President, Administration
September 11, 2019
Due to agreements with the Pac-12 and the Los Angeles Rams, USC will host two weekday football games at the Coliseum this year. The first, versus Utah, will be on Friday, September 20 at 6:00 p.m., the same day as the presidential inauguration of Carol L. Folt.
In addition, the L.A. Rams will play the Baltimore Ravens on Monday, November 25 at 5:15 p.m. To the extent possible, general academic operations will proceed as normal during the games.
Suggestions for Faculty. We defer to faculty who are teaching during the late afternoon or evening hours on Friday, September 20 and/or Monday, November 25 to make the best possible accommodations. In the past, faculty have done the following to help deal with this situation:
- Schedule an additional class period at some other point in the semester and thereby avoid holding your class on these days. The administration of your school and the University Registrar will work with you to identify appropriate times for a makeup class and possible locations.
- Hold your class at a location other than the University Park Campus. The University Registrar will work with those schools offering a large number of classes in the evening to identify alternative locations at the limited number of available USC-owned locations.
- Use available online instructional technologies and approaches for this class period.
Transportation and Parking. The most significant impacts to university operations will likely be the increased traffic and parking issues on game days. Here are some notable considerations:
- No weekday tailgating – including the set-up of tents, chairs, tables, and/or picnic blankets for the purpose of serving meals or drinks – will be permitted on University Park Campus or at USC Village, unless it is an official university-sanctioned event.
- Anyone attending games are encouraged to use alternative transportation – including public transit and ridesharing services – rather than drive to campus on game days.
Football games on weekday evenings are considerable undertakings, but we have time to make the necessary adjustments to minimize disruptions. Please plan your schedules with these games in mind and consider the alternatives we have suggested. Please inform your students of any changes you are making to your course plans.
Thank you for your flexibility and cooperation in helping the campus accommodate these events. If you have any questions or suggestions for efforts we can take to mitigate disruptions to normal university operations, please feel free to contact the administration of your school.
Cc: Carol L. Folt
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