Distinguished Professors

Awarded very selectively by the President to those whose accomplishments have brought special renown to USC.

Current Distinguished Professors

Leonard M. Adleman

Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and holder of the Henry Salvatori Chair in Computer Science

Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati

Distinguished Professor of Population and Public Health Sciences

Aimee Bender

Distinguished Professor of English

Ricky Bluthenthal

Distinguished Professor of Population and Public Health Sciences, and Associate Dean for Social Justice

Paula Cannon

Distinguished Professor of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology

Pinchas Cohen

Distinguished Professor of Gerontology, Medicine, and Biological Sciences

Percival Everett

Distinguished Professor of English

Susan Forsburg

Distinguished Professor of Biological Sciences

Inderbir Gill

Distinguished Professor of Urology, and holder of the Hanson-White Chair in Medical Research

Genevieve Giuliano

Distinguished Professor of Public Policy

Sofia Gruskin

Distinguished Professor of Population and Public Health Sciences and Law

Velina Hasu Houston

Distinguished Professor of Theatre in Dramatic Writing

Sherman Jackson

Distinguished Professor of Religion and holder of the King Faisal Chair in Islamic Thought and Culture

Behrokh Khoshnevis

Distinguished Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Astronautics, and Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, and holder of the Louise L. Dunn Endowed Professorship in Engineering

C.-C. Jay Kuo

Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and holder of the William M. Hogue Professorship in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Caryn Lerman

Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Psychology and holder of the H. Leslie Hoffman and Elaine S. Hoffman Chair in Cancer Research

Peter C. Mancall

Distinguished Professor of History, Anthropology, and Economics

Maja J. Matarić

Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and Pediatrics, and holder of the Chan Soon-Shiong Chair in Computer Science

Mahta Moghaddam

Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and holder of the Ming Hsieh Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Natalia Molina

Distinguished Professor of American Studies and Ethnicity

Pedro Noguera

Distinguished Professor of Education and holder of the Emery Stoops and Joyce King Stoops Dean’s Chair in Education

Jong-Shi Pang

Distinguished Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Manuel Pastor

Distinguished Professor of Sociology and American Studies and Ethnicity, and holder of the Turpanjian Chair in Civil Society and Social Change

M. Hashem Pesaran

Distinguished Professor of Economics, and holder of the John E. Elliott Chair in Economics

Surya Prakash

Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

Steven Ross

Distinguished Professor of History and holder of the Dean’s Professorship of History

Elyn Saks

Distinguished Professor of Law, Psychology, and Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences and holder of the Orrin B. Evans Professorship of Law

Gale Sinatra

Distinguished Professor of Education and Psychology

Scott Soames

Distinguished Professor of Philosophy

Vaughn A. Starnes

Distinguished Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery, and holder of the H. Russell Smith Foundation Chair for Stem Cell and Cardiovascular Thoracic Research

Arieh Warshel

Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and holder of the Dana and David Dornsife Chair in Chemistry

Alan E. Willner

Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and holder of the Steven and Kathryn Sample Chair in Engineering

Emeritus Distinguished Professors

Norman Arnheim

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences

T. Coraghessan Boyle

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of English and Writer in Residence

P. Daniel Dapkus

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, and Physics and Astronomy

Kelvin J. A. Davies

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Gerontology and Biological Sciences

Mark Jonathan Harris

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Cinematic Arts

Stephen Hartke

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Composition

Francine Ratner Kaufman

Distinguished Professor Emerita of Pediatrics

Michael M. C. Lai

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology and Neurology

Morten J. Lauridsen

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Composition

Edward E. Lawler, III

Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus of Business

Alexandra M. Levine

Distinguished Professor Emerita of Medicine

Former Distinguished Professors

Warren Bennis

University Professor, Distinguished Professor of Business Administration, and Professor of Management and Organization and Finance and Business Economics

Barry Boehm

Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and Industrial and Systems Engineering, and holder of the TRW Professorship in Software Engineering

Kingsley Davis

Distinguished Professor of Sociology

Solomon Golomb

University Professor, Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Mathematics, and holder of the Andrew and Erna Viterbi Chair in Communications

Jane Goodall

Distinguished Adjunct Professor of Anthropology and Occupational Therapy

Midori Goto

Distinguished Professor of Strings and holder of the Jascha Heifetz Chair in Violin

Brian Henderson

Distinguished Professor of Preventive Medicine and Neurology, and holder of the Kenneth T. Norris Chair in Cancer Prevention

James Higginbotham

Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Linguistics and holder of the Linda Hilf Chair in Philosophy

Paul Hochstein

Distinguished Professor of Pharmacy

Rex Ingraham

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Restorative Dentistry

Peter Jones

Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and holder of the Mark A., J. Ruth and Stillman F. Sawyer Chair in Cancer Research

Jae Jung

Distinguished Professor of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology and Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and holder of the Fletcher Jones Foundation Chair in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology

Pierre Koenig

Distinguished Professor of Architecture

Jean-Jacques Laffont

John Elliott Distinguished Chair in Economics

Tony Maxworthy

Distinguished Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering and holder of the Smith International Professorship in Mechanical Engineering

Ian Mitroff

Harold Quinton Distinguished Chair in Business Policy and Professor of Management and Organization

George Olah

Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, and holder of the Donald P. and Katherine B. Loker Chair in Organic Chemistry

Shahbudin H. Rahimtoola

Distinguished Professor of Medicine and holder of the George C. Griffith Chair in Cardiolo

Stephen Ryan

Distinguished Professor of Ophthalmology and holder of the Grace and Emery Beardsley Chair in Ophthalmology

Jonathan Samet

Distinguished Professor of Preventive Medicine, and holder of the Flora L. Thornton Chair in Preventive Medicine

Peter Vogt

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Microbiology

John Weaver

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Geography

Walter Wolf

Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences